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Rs. 1 Crore Challenge: Jagmeet Singh Advocates Opium Legalization, Blames Alcohol for 80% of Crimes in Punjab

Jagmeet Singh offers Rs. 1 crore to anyone who proves him wrong about the benefits of legalizing opium farming in Punjab.

Opium vs. Alcohol: A Potential Solution to Punjab’s Drug Crisis

Punjab is facing a serious drug crisis, and Jagmeet Singh, President of the INSAAF Team Punjab, believes that the solution lies in legalizing opium farming. In an interview with the Sabad channel, Singh explained that opium is a natural remedy that could reduce the use of harmful synthetic drugs like Chitta, which is plaguing the state’s youth. He argues that legalizing opium could also drastically reduce crime rates and improve the state’s economy.

Singh shared shocking statistics, claiming that 80% of crimes in Punjab, including road accidents, robberies, murders (302), attempted murders (307), and serious bodily harm (326, 751), are committed by people under the influence of alcohol. He pointed out that alcohol consumption often leads to reckless behavior, including family breakdowns, divorce, and violent crime. However, Singh believes that opium has the opposite effect, making people more mature and calm after taking it in controlled amounts.

The Rs. 1 Crore Challenge

Jagmeet Singh has made headlines with his Rs. 1 crore challenge. He openly declared that he would give Rs. 1 crore to anyone who can prove that opium is harmful to the human body. Singh is so confident in the benefits of opium that he said he would even allow himself to be shot in the middle of the market if someone can prove him wrong.

In his interview, Singh explained that opium, when used in pure form, is safe and can even have medicinal benefits. He claimed that pure opium is not available in Punjab, as most of the people who say they use it are actually consuming a mixture of tablets. This shortage is due to the high cost, making pure opium accessible only to the rich and powerful, such as politicians and wealthy individuals. Meanwhile, the middle class and poor are stuck with harmful alternatives like synthetic drugs and alcohol.

Why the Government Doesn’t Legalize Opium

opium farming

According to Singh, the Punjab government and political parties have vested interests in keeping opium illegal. He claims that if opium were legalized, it would hurt the profits of big pharmaceutical companies and disrupt the political control that parties have over the people. Singh says that opium could bring in Rs. 70,000 crore in revenue for the state, far surpassing the Rs. 6,000 crore generated by alcohol sales, but the government is unwilling to take that step.

Singh also suggested that politicians use alcohol to manipulate voters and keep them in a state of dependency, which wouldn’t be possible if opium became legal. He appeals to the government to at least give opium farming a trial for one year to see the benefits.

Can Opium Farming Save Punjab?

Jagmeet Singh believes that legalizing opium farming could be a game-changer for Punjab. He argued that opium is a natural remedy for many diseases and can even help reduce the demand for dangerous synthetic drugs like Chitta (heroin). Countries like the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe have already explored the medicinal use of opium and marijuana to combat drug addiction, and Singh believes Punjab should follow their lead.

Opium farming, according to Singh, would not only help solve Punjab’s drug crisis but also improve the lives of farmers. He pointed out that farmers in states like Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, where opium farming is legal, are much wealthier than those in Punjab. Allowing farmers to grow opium would bring much-needed economic relief to Punjab’s agricultural sector.

A Message to the Chief Minister

Bhagwant Singh Mann
Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann

Jagmeet Singh recalled a conversation he had with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann before he was elected. At that time, Mann had seemed open to the idea of legalizing opium farming, but since becoming CM, Singh feels that Mann has forgotten about this important issue. He urged the Chief Minister to take action before Punjab’s youth are destroyed by synthetic drugs.


Jagmeet Singh’s interview sheds light on a controversial yet potentially effective solution to Punjab’s drug problem. His belief that legalizing opium farming could reduce crime, improve public health, and boost the state’s economy is backed by his years of research and experience. With his Rs. 1 crore challenge still open, Singh remains confident that no one can prove him wrong about the benefits of opium.


1. Why does Jagmeet Singh believe legalizing opium will help Punjab?

Jagmeet Singh

Jagmeet Singh believes that legalizing opium will reduce the use of harmful synthetic drugs like Chitta and heroin, lower crime rates, and bring economic benefits to the state by boosting agricultural income and reducing dependency on pharmaceutical companies.

2. What crimes does Jagmeet Singh link to alcohol consumption?


Singh claims that around 80% of crimes in Punjab, including road accidents, robberies, murders, and violent assaults, are committed under the influence of alcohol. He contrasts this with opium, which he believes has a calming and maturing effect on users.

3. Why hasn’t the government legalized opium farming yet?

opium farming

According to Jagmeet Singh, the government and political parties have financial ties to big pharmaceutical companies and alcohol sales. Legalizing opium could disrupt these profits and change the political landscape by reducing people’s dependency on expensive medicines and alcohol.

Watch the Interview:

To hear more from Jagmeet Singh and see his Rs. 1 crore challenge, watch the full interview here.

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