Privacy Policy: Effective Date: 2024-03-20

Who we are.

AK News and Views is a news blog website dedicated to providing informative and insightful coverage of current events. Our website address is:


Sharing your thoughts!

When you comment, we collect:

  • Your comment
  • IP address (for spam detection)
  • Browser info (to understand how you access our site)

We use this to manage spam and keep comments interesting for everyone.

For any questions, contact us at:


We love photos! To protect your privacy, we recommend avoiding uploading images with location data (EXIF data) embedded. Others who download the photo can access this information.

Here’s how to avoid it:

  • Turn off location services: Many cameras have settings like “GPS tagging” to disable this.
  • Edit photos: Free online tools can remove location data before upload.

This keeps your photos private and avoids unintended information sharing.


We use cookies to improve your experience on AK News and Views. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Comment cookies (optional): Remember your details (name, email, website) for future comments (lasts 1 year).
  • Browser cookies: Check if your browser accepts cookies (temporary).
  • Login cookies: Remember your login information (lasts 2 days).
  • Screen option cookies: Remember your display preferences (lasts 1 year).
  • Post editing cookies: helps us identify the post you’re editing (lasts 1 day).

You can control or disable cookies through your browser settings. Note that disabling cookies may affect your experience on our website.

Embedded Content

Our articles sometimes include content from other websites (videos, images, articles, etc.). This content behaves just like it would on the original website.

These external websites may collect data about you, use cookies, track your interaction with the embedded content, and potentially include additional tracking from third parties. This happens even if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of these external websites to understand their data collection practices.

Who do we share your data with?

Limited Sharing for Specific Purposes

We only share your data in a few instances, and always with a specific purpose:

  • Password resets: When you request a password reset, your IP address is included in the reset email for security purposes.

We do not share your data with third-party advertisers or for any other non-essential purposes.

Your Privacy Matters

We take your privacy seriously and are committed to keeping your data secure. If you have any questions about how we handle your data, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

How Long Do We Retain Your Data?

Keeping Comments in Conversation

If you leave a comment, we retain it and its metadata (data about the data, like timestamps) indefinitely. This helps us automatically approve follow-up comments instead of holding them for moderation, keeping the conversation flowing.

User Data and Your Control

For registered users (if applicable on your website), we store the information you provide in your profile. You can always access, edit, or delete this information yourself (except your username). Website administrators can also access and edit this information, but typically only to assist you or for technical reasons.

Transparency and Your Choice

We believe in transparency and want you to be in control of your data. This policy clarifies how long we retain your information.

Your Control Over Your Data

Transparency and Your Rights

We are committed to transparency and your control over your data. Here’s a breakdown of your rights:

  • Access your data: You can request a file containing all the personal data we hold about you, including comments you’ve left.
  • Delete your data: You can also request that we erase your personal information, with some exceptions (like data needed for legal reasons).

Exceptions to Data Deletion

We may not be able to erase your data entirely if it’s required for legal or security purposes.

Requesting Your Data or Deletion

To exercise your data access or deletion rights, please contact us at

Where Your Data is Sent

Limited Transfers for Specific Needs

In some cases, we transfer your data to specific services to fulfill a particular purpose:

Spam detection: Comments may be sent to an automated spam detection service to identify and filter out unwanted messages.

We prioritize keeping your data within our systems and only transferring it when necessary for these essential functions.

Your Data Stays Secure

We take steps to ensure the security of any data transferred, following strict security standards.

Transparency is Key

We strive for transparency and want you to know where your data might be sent. This policy outlines these limited data transfers.

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