
Summer Break Starts Early in Punjab: Schools Closed from May 21, 2024, Due to Intense Heat Wave

Punjab CM Announces Summer Vacations


The Chief Minister of Punjab, Bhagwant Singh Mann, has announced early summer holidays for all schools in the state because of an extreme heat wave. After talking to top weather experts and doctors, he decided that schools would be closed from May 21 to June 30. Experts have warned that the heat wave is likely to get worse, so to keep children safe, summer vacations have been announced.

Punjab CM Announces Summer Vacations from May 21, 2024, Due to Heat Wave

Government’s Proactive Measures

At first, the Punjab government changed school hours to deal with the heat. Schools started earlier at 7:00 AM and ended by 12:00 PM to avoid the hottest part of the day. But as the heat wave got worse, these changes weren’t enough. Seeing the need for more action, CM Bhagwant Singh Mann decided to start the summer holidays early. Starting on May 21st, all schools in Punjab will be closed until June 30th, giving students, parents, and staff a break from the intense heat.

No Compromise with Education

Punjab CM Announces Summer Vacations from May 21, 2024, Due to Heat Wave

Even though schools are closed, learning doesn’t have to stop. Private schools have sent links to apps that allow students to continue their classes online. With these video call classes, students can stay at home and attend classes from their school teachers, just like they did during the COVID-19 pandemic. This way, children can keep up with their studies without having to face the heat.

Government’s Continuous Monitoring

The Punjab government is keeping a close watch on the situation and is ready to take more action if needed. CM Bhagwant Singh Mann assured everyone that the government is prepared to extend the holidays or take other steps if the heat wave continues. The health and safety of the students are the top priorities.

Impact on Students and Families

For many families, this announcement brings relief because their children’s well-being is the most important thing. The early start to the summer holidays means parents can protect their kids from the heat. Families are encouraged to do indoor activities, make sure everyone drinks enough water, and avoid going out during the hottest parts of the day.

Expert Advice and Safety Precautions

Doctors’ recommendations and weather forecasts had a big impact on this decision. Doctors recommended that children should stay at home in such extreme heat and drink lots of water. They also said to avoid outdoor activities during peak hours, which are typically from 10:00 AM to 4:00 p.m. The weather department has issued a red alert, predicting that the heat wave will continue and may even get worse.

Extreme Heat and Staying Healthy

Temperatures in Punjab have reached very high levels because of the heat wave. In places like Amritsar and Ludhiana, temperatures have gone over 44 degrees Celsius. This extreme heat can cause serious health problems, especially for young children and elderly people. Doctors are advising parents to keep their children inside and make sure they drink plenty of water.

The continuation of safety precautions

High temperatures like this can cause heat strokes, dehydration, and other heat-related problems. It’s important to stay indoors during the hottest times of the day, which are usually between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you are outside because of work or other urgent reasons, wear light-coloured, loose clothes and use fans or air conditioners if possible. Watch out for signs of heat sickness, such as heavy sweating, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. If you notice these symptoms, go to a cool place and drink plenty of water. If someone shows more serious symptoms, like fainting or a very high body temperature, they should get medical help immediately.

City-Wise Temperature Chart

Here is a chart showing the average temperatures in some major cities of Punjab during the current heat wave. Please note that these temperatures can change, so check your local weather service for the latest information.

CityTemperature (°C)

This chart shows the high temperatures that led to the early school holidays.

Community Support and Action

Punjab CM Announces Summer Vacations from May 21, 2024, Due to Heat Wave

People should start free water services in their neighborhoods, like we do on special occasions such as the birthdays of our Gods and other religious events, which we call ‘LANGAR’. We should also think about building shady spots in public places. By doing these things, we can ensure our safety and health during this heat wave. During this tough time, let’s watch out for each other and stay safe.


Starting summer holidays early in Punjab is a big step to protect children’s health during the extreme heat wave. By closing schools from May 21st to June 30th, the Punjab government is showing its commitment to the well-being of children. Parents are encouraged to follow health experts’ advice and take all necessary steps to keep their children safe. The government’s quick action and ongoing attention will help reduce the impact of the heat wave and ensure everyone’s safety.

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