
Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 Might Have Been Found, Says Scientist

Scientist Claims to Have Found the Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, Solving a Decade-Old Mystery

Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 Might Have Been Found, Says Scientist

Scientist’s New Claim: MH370’s Possible Location Revealed

A scientist from Australia may have uncovered the mystery behind the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared without a trace in March 2014. He believes the plane is located in a deep trench at the eastern end of the Broken Ridge in the Southern Indian Ocean. The scientist, who works at the University of Tasmania, says this area was overlooked during previous search efforts, which is why the plane was never found.

Why Previous Searches Missed MH370


The disappearance of MH370, which was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board, led to the largest aviation search in history. Despite searching a massive area of 120,000 square kilometers, nothing was found, and the search was called off in 2017. The Tasmanian scientist argues that the plane’s likely location was missed because it is in a challenging area of the ocean, about 6,000 meters deep.

Could This Be the End of the MH370 Mystery?

Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

The expert says his studies have cracked the MH370 riddle and advises connecting the longitude of Penang airport with a flight path from the pilot’s home simulator to precisely locate the plane. This path was previously ignored by investigators, but the scientist believes it contains the key to finding the aircraft. It is unclear whether officials will investigate this new location, but the finding has renewed hope that the mystery of MH370 may eventually be solved.


Q1: What happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370?

Malaysian Airlines

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared on March 8, 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Despite a massive search, the plane was never found, leading to various theories about its fate.

Q2: Where is MH370 believed to be now?

Southern Indian Ocean

A scientist from Australia claims that MH370 is located in a deep trench at the eastern end of the Broken Ridge in the Southern Indian Ocean. This area was not searched before, which might explain why the plane was never found.

Q3: Will there be a new search for MH370?


The decision to search the new location rests with officials and search companies. The scientist believes it should be a high priority, but it is up to the authorities to take action.

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